The overhead fan in our bedroom uses one of those compact halogen light bulbs.6 years ago the bulb burned out and got really dim, just barely a glow. I bought a replacement bulb but when I put that one in it was also barely lighting up so I realized the unit was bad.The fan still worked GREAT, it literally is the best fan I’ve ever had because it moves a ton of air and is super quiet. The fan had also been a gift when we moved into our house, the unit cost over $400 so I didn’t really want to replace it even though our bedroom doesn’t get much natural light so it is pretty dark.So since then over the years my wife and I have had to make due with no overhead light. We open the windows during the day, and at night use a combination of bedside lamps and the bathroom light. It’s never really as good of lighting as an overhead lamp so I keep some flashlights up there for when we are cleaning or looking for something etc.After 6 years of living in the dark, this winter I just decided I would replace the damn thing. But before I did, I decided to try one last time with another bulb because, however unlikely, it’s possible BOTH bulbs I had tried were bad.So I’m up there installing the new bulb, grab the remote (the fan has a remote) and as I’m turning the light on I realize:The goddamn thing is dimmable.For 6 fucking years we lived with the inconvenience of no overhead light and the whole time it was just because the damn thing was set to “dim”.Fuck me.TL;DRFor 6 years I lived with no bedroom light because the overhead lamp was broken, but turns out it it was fine and it was just set to a dim setting the whole time. via /r/tifu
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