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The Preview.ph team recently feasted on a hearty lunch and the advice of feng shui expert Princess Lim Fernandez, and gleaned tips on how to increase our luck this year. 


But first, if you don't know your Chinese zodiac sign yet, click here to find out. Read on! 




With the impending arrival of the Year of the Earth Dog, Princess notes that the theme of this year pertains to going back to basics. "People will be reflective and contemplative this year. It's a year of self-evaluation and a very emotional year," she shared. "Dont alienate your loved ones or core group because they will help you survive this year. Go back to the people you've known for a long time."


Why the reflective mood? "This year is when the tides start to change, because the past couple of years it's been predominantly fire and wood," Princess said. "It's the time to prepare for the next season, which is predominantly water and metal."



"Because your luck is not so good this year, try to be more creative," she said. "Try to take a different approach to things. Think out of the box and adapt a creative and artistic approach." She also notes that this year, "Don't be so emotional and try to keep your temperament in check. When things are stressful, take mini breaks to help clear your mind."



It'll be a very good year for the Pig, but that's because the next year won't bring in as much luck. "It's a very good year to start whatever you've been wanting to do," Princess shared. "Pigs have good stars in preparation for the lack of stars in the year after." Her advice is to "Get ahead this year so that next year, you maintain your status and don't fall so far behind."



Rats have a promotion star, which means it's good news for career and business. On the flip side, "Rats have to watch out because they will easily hurt themselves. Be careful near water, whether it's at a pool, or even raining." 



The Year of the Earth Dog marks a very good year for the Ox. This is especially true if you have a business that's related to women (like fashion) because the ox has a female benefactor this year.



"This year, Tigers have to travel a lot because their luck is fair. How to make your luck better? Move around! As long as you cross water, that's traveling, you don't necessarily have to go abroad. Every little opportunity that comes up, whether it's for business or pleasure, you should seriously consider it." Tigers also have a learning star this year, she shares. "So while you travel, keep your mind open for lessons you might learn on the road."



Last year was stressful for Rabbits, but this year will make up for it. Rabbits have all the good stars, most notably the star of kindness, which means you're in a good position to give guidance to others. What does this mean? "Be generous, be magnanimous. If you have unresolved issues from before, try to fix them before the new year so you have a bigger plate to welcome in the good tidings." Princess finished with a word of caution: "Because you have such good luck, be careful what you say because it might attract envy."



This year, Dragons are the ones under pressure because their sign is in direct conflict with the Dog. Princess' advice? "Treat this year as a learning year. Just because your luck isn't good it doesn't mean you'll stagnate or not grow, you just have to be more cautious."


Dragons also have to be mindful of their spending. "Watch their expenses because this year you have a drain." Yikes. But don't fret! "How to address the drain? At the start of the year, buy something that will appreciate in value, like property or jewelry."



"Last year was frustrating for the Snake, as all the efforts you put in last year weren't equal to the rewards received," she shared. But the good news is that "You'll be able to reap the rewards from last year." The bad news? "You have to make the most of it because the next year is not good." As for love, "The Snakes have a star of romance this year, and will encounter good and helpful people. Accept invites to social gatherings because you'll never know who you'll meet, especially for singles." She continues, "For those who are already in a relationship, watch out for temptation. There's a lot of romance this year!" Career-wise is looking good, too. "Snakes also have an emperor star, signifying career progression, more power and authority, so you might have role expansion or promotion."



"For this year, the Horse has the golden treasure box. Unlike the prosperity star that snakes have this year, which means straight up money, you need a key to open the box. Otherwise the treasure is just there but you can't access it." According to Princess, the key is to learn something new. "Try to get out of your comfort zone, push your boundaries, and try something new. If you do that, this is one of the keys to access that treasure."



2017 may have been a rollercoaster ride but according to Princess, "This year they have the heavenly star, which means they have the opportunity to turn things around. When things seem hopeless, having a benevolent star will help this year."



"Like the tigers, their luck this year is fair. To avoid bad luck from following, you have to travel," says Princess. "Why do you need to move around when your luck is fair? Think of this, if you're seated in a chair the whole day, everyday it's like you're being pushed, and eventually you fall off. But if you stand up every so often and plant yourself firmly in the middle, it'll take longer to push you down." Also, "Monkeys also have a haze over their eyes this year. This means you don't react right away. Before reacting or making decisions, consult your core group," she shares.



Last year was pretty good but this year the rooster is one of the signs that are directly affected by the Dog. "This is the year to learn, take it easy, and prioritize other things. First and foremost, the rooster should prioritize themselves. Focus on yourself and you put yourself in a good position to receive the benefits and rewards in 2019."


Okay, now you have the deets, how else can you ensure your luck for the new year? Princess says to, "Welcome it the right way to imbibe positive energy and to help remove whatever bad luck is in store for you."


On February 15, 2018, the newly opened Grand Hyatt Manila will welcome the new year with a celebration entitled, The Golden Path to Luck in the Year of the Earth Dog. Complete with fireworks, a lucky new year feast, and an intimate feng shui talk with Princess herself, it's an event that doesn't skimp on ensuring your good fortune.


Tickets are available at P4,888 at the Yin and Yang Shop of Harmony at the New World Hotel in Makati City. Call 752-5882 or 811-6888 local 3066 or 0917-989-2294. 


This story originally appeared on Preview.ph. Minor edits have been made by the Spot.ph editors.

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